from $30.00

It started as Christine looking for models to test out a skirt design… and ended up with over 100 big fat queers reaching out to ask to be included!

Handmade is not financially accessible to a lot of folks. A lot if Clothing brands don’t take our bodies into consideration. So…here we are!!

I am gathering funds to put together the BIG FAT QUEER CLOTHING gift program. But I can’t do it alone. I can sew like a beast, I can source the CUTEST fabrics, but I can swing the cost. That’s where I need you.

Example: A skirt for a person with a 65” waist costs $40-$50 in materials to make (for a tiny little business like ours, it would be a lower cost if I could buy fabric in bulk)

A basic too could be $30-$50 just in fabric…overalls? Up to $100!

So…I will put in most of my labor cost as my contribution, only paying myself $15- $20 an hour instead of my normal $55+ an hour, and I need YOUR help with materials!!

what do you say?? Wanna see more BIG FAT QUEER ICONS!?!? Your purchase of an item of clothing with including shipping! I have a list of folks just waiting for the opportunity to have their very own custom handmade clothing!

wanna pick a different amount? Our Venmo is @lore-mcspadden just put “BIG FAT QUEER FUND” in the note!

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