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Back Pain Clinic

May 28 at 12pm EST

Every single one of my students and almost all fat folks I have talked to are having severe cases of reoccurring back pain, including myself!

And if we search out medical help we keep getting told it is because we are fat and to lose weight...great…and how is that going to help our pain RIGHT NOW?!

Our fatness is not the problem. We have been surviving in a pandemic over the past two years. We have been denied access to weight neutral and fat celebratory health and wellness care our whole lives. The problem is that we do not have access to the information and care that we need.

I have been working with my students on how to use various forms of gentle movement to mitigate pain and examining how we are moving through our activities of daily life to see if there are adjustments we can make. Back pain does not start or end in the back. Our entire body is connected through (fancy term coming) the kinetic chain. This means it all works together. Sometimes our feet can be the root of back pain…or our neck and shoulders. The answers are endless.

It has been awesome! I am seeing a reduction in the severity of pain and when you have the tools to move in a way that YOUR body is meant to then you get to access healing movement in those moments and not let it get worse. Knowledge is power, and fat folks have been denied the knowledge of how to care for our bodies in a safe and gentle way.

So I am going to roll this out to the public in a class series format. This first clinic is going to focus on how to get our backs to release a bit. What movement we can do to get some relief and tracing that relief to the next spot. Where you feel pain is never the root of the cause, unless of course you have a knife sticking out of said spot…then you have other concerns. As you work to release the site of the pain you are peeling back layers of an onion and you will find that other places of discomfort start to appear. While this doesn’t sound like the most fun thing, it is a powerful feeling. Knowing that you are able to connect to how your body moves and where you can find your relief, with the knowledge that at some point you will find the root.

I am not going to make a schedule for this series. Summer is busy for everyone and I like a co-operative method of working together.

First session is 5/28 at 12pm EST in an online format. And we will go from there!

Payment is set to our standard class rate of $20, but you can select pay later if cost is prohibitive. I don’t want cost to keep anyone from getting the care they need. If you would still like to pay something and $20 is inaccessible, we also have Venmo @Lore-McSpadden. This comes with zero pressure and you don’t have to ask or explain how and when and if you pay.

I will also record this class and send it to all folks registered in case you can’t make it live. When I record I only set it to record me so no one will be shown but me on the recording.

**This class will focus on large to infini fat folks FIRST. If you are a small fat or medium fat please know that your experiences will not be centered for this clinic, but you will be able to get a lot out of it. I will show options for floor movements, chair movements, standing movements, and bed movements.

May 19

Let's Talk Weeds: Class 3: Plantain, Amaranth, and Mullein